I finally received my Clover pom-pom maker and I am in love! Pom-poms are so easy to make with this. Of course when I told my mother she said something along the line, "In my days we just used cardboard to make our pom-poms." I tried cardboard; the yarn just kept falling out of the hole and I just wanted to hurl the whole thing across the room. I want to make a good amount of pom-poms and I want it to be easy.
You can see below the Clover pom-pom maker (makes 3 3/8 inch pom-pom) and beside it is another device I found but the pom-poms were too small around 3 inches only. It also came with a 2 1/2 inches maker and I even bought the 4 1/2 inches one as well. I couldn't find these in any store around town and am glad I found them at Herrschners. Of course, I bought some yarn at the same time.
This is what a pom-pom looks like with the Clover maker and they also look great on my Cables and Seed Stitch Hat with Pom Pom.